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- RG 03 – Division of Administration and Finance Records
- Series 04 – Brochures about the Bentley campus in Waltham, as well as promotional literature announcing the relocation of the college
- RG 04 – Division of Enrollment Management Records
- Series 02, 03, 04, and 05 contain a wealth of pamphlets and other promotional material produced by the university. Pamphlets for the undergraduate and graduate school, as well as some for financial assistance and “fact sheets”
- RG 07 – Division of Student Affairs Records
- Most series in this record group have promotional literature of some form or another. In this collection you will find pamphlets, fact sheets, brochures, etc for the Spiritual Life Center, the Center for Health and Wellness, the University Police, and Residence life –including a lot of marketing material describing and outlining housing options.
- RG 08 – Division of University Advancement Records
- Most series in this record group have promotional literature of some form or another. In this collection you will find pamphlets, fact sheets, brochures, etc for Annual Giving, Leadership Giving, Gift Planning, Career Services (including some specifically about Career Fair), the Center for Women in Business, and the Center for Alumni, Parents and Friends.
- RG 11 – University Publications
- This collection contains publications such as course catalogs, student handbooks, campus directories, and photobooks like Bentley Views and Bentley: A 75-Year Portrait. This collection is easily accessible on campus and should most likely be the first RG consulted by anyone looking for demographic information about the college, important dates, or promotional literature.
- RG 14 – Early Bentley History
- Series 01 – Letters, brochures, and printed advertisements for the Bentley School from its inception through (roughly) the school’s 50th anniversary. Several volumes of clippings show how Bentley developed its advertising strategy to alert students to its educational opportunities.
- Series 02 – A number of promotional brochures relating to the construction of the Waltham campus