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MRI-Simmons: How-To Guide

Learn how to create Quick Reports and Crosstabs in MRI-Simmons Catalyst and Insights.

Terms & Defintions

Study Terms & Abbreviations

  • MO = "Most Often". Consumer selected this brand as most often used.
  • ALSO = "Also used". Consumer used this brand, but it was not their most used brand.
  • All Users = all adults (or households) who report any usage of a product or service category within the specified time period.
  • Sole User = Product usage coding designation used when only one brand is recorded.
  • Primary User = Product usage coding designation used when more than one brand is recorded.
  • Secondary Users = Users of brands, types, or kinds who are not sole users or primary users. 
  • (HH) = Household. Indicates household use, not individual use. 
  • Total Viewing Cumes = include any respondent who indicated they viewed a movie of a particular genre or rating at a movie theater in the last 6 months.
  • Heavy Viewing Cumes = include those respondents who saw enough movies of a particular rating or genre to be in approximately the top 15% of those who viewed movies with this rating or genre.
  • For Geographic area definitions check the Codebook

Data Definitions

  • Total = total number of people 18+ who took the survey.
  • Base or Universe = a subset of the total sample. Choosing a base overlays that information across the entire crosstab and makes the
    universe being compared to your target smaller.
  • Unweighted = the number of respondents to the survey who meet the specifications of both the Row and the Column.
  • Weighted = Expressed in thousands, the projected number of adults (18+) in the U.S. who meet both the column & row criteria. Add three zeros (000) to the end of the number.
  • Vertical % (Percent Down) = Percentage of the column reached by the row.
  • Horizontal % (Percent Across) = Percentage of the row reached by the column.
  •  Index = The likelihood of the target to meet a specified criterion, expressed in relation to the base, where 100 = average.  (90-110 is flat and <90 or 110> is significant).
  • Over 100 is more likely, under 100 less likely, to meet the specification. If the index is close to 100, it shows that usage is not much different than the rest of the population. Read as a percentage:
    • 121 = 21% more likely (121 - 100 = 21)
    • 92 = 8% less likely (100 - 92 = 8)

Index Column Icons

In the Index column, a yellow line indicates an Index number falls between 90-110. The green up arrow indicates an Index number of above 110, and a red down arrow indicates an Index number of below 90. 


Sample Size Caution

*   an asterisk indicates the sample size is so small that the projections may be unstable. Data with an asterisk means that the sample size is below 50 and is less likely to be reliable.  It should be used with caution.

Using Boolean Logic

Using Boolean Logic in Composer

When using the Dictionary to add variables, you can use EACH, OR, and AND

  • EACH will add each selected variable individually. This is the default setting if none of the boxes are checked.
  • OR will add the variables with OR in between each variable.
  • AND will add the variables with AND in between each variable.

In the Selection box, you can apply the following combinations to selected items: AND, OR, XOR (exclusive OR), and AND NOT.

  • AND is used to restrict a definition to a certain group.
    • Own Android AND Apple Smartphone = People who bought both Android and Apple smartphones
  • OR is used to broaden a definition to include two or more answers. 
    • Own Android OR Apple Smartphone = People who bought either Android or Apple smartphone and includes people who bought both brands
  • XOR (Exclusive OR) is used when looking at members of one group or another, but not both.
    • Own Android XOR (but not) Apple Smartphone = People who bought either Android or Apple and excludes people who bought both brands
  • AND NOT is used to exclude a certain group 
    • Own Android AND NOT Apple Smartphone = People who bought Android but not Apple smartphones