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Information Literacy and Instruction

Resources and tips about information literacy, critical thinking, and how faculty can incorporate these concepts into their courses.

EMS 101/102 (Critical Reading & Writing) and EMS 104/105 (Multi-modal Communication)

The Bentley Library and the English & Media Studies department have been longtime collaborators in providing information literacy instruction to students enrolled in EMS Writing classes at Bentley. Expository Writing information literacy instruction sessions with a librarian are tailored based on course assignments, themes, and goals. 

In fall 2010, the English and Media Studies Department adopted the Library Literacy Outcomes to be addressed through the Expository Writing Program. These outcomes are used by both librarians and EMS faculty when designing assignments and instruction.

For insight into topics and skills covered in EMS sessions, take a look at our research guide for students:

Scheduling Information for EMS Faculty

Faculty teaching EMS classes can schedule instruction sessions with a librarian using our Instruction Request Form. Please request your instruction session as far in advance as possible to allow for better availability for preferred dates of the sessions.

Questions regarding instruction can be directed to Matt Van Sleet, Research Instruction Coordinator.

Library Literacy Outcomes in the Expository Writing Curriculum

Library Literacy Outcomes in the Expository Writing Curriculum

(Adopted November 29, 2010)

A. Understand concepts related to research and information resources

Students should:

  • understand the function of search terms
  • be able to distinguish among primary, secondary, and tertiary sources
  • be able to distinguish between the free Web and library-owned electronic resources
  • understand the difference between scholarly and popular sources
  • recognize the different types of sources (e.g., reference books, scholarly essays, blogs, interviews, electronically published articles)
  • be able to identify the disciplines according to which information is categorized (e.g., Literature, Psychology)

B. Conduct research effectively

Students should know how to:

  • develop a research question and generate related search terms
  • use the library’s website and research guides to locate resources
  • use Boolean searching, indexes, and subject headings
  • narrow or broaden the scope of a research question as necessary, based on initial search results
  • assess quantity, quality, and relevance of search results
  • select appropriate methods for extracting information (e.g., exporting, taking notes)
  • use interlibrary loan
  • take advantage of library reference services
  • use a program such as RefWorks to manage, organize, and store information

C. Use information ethically

Students should know how to:

  • evaluate sources for reliability, authority, bias, and relevance
  • document sources in a manner consistent with the highest standards of academic integrity
  • use conventional citation practices