Research instruction classes are designed to help students develop the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. They can range from a targeted class on subject-specific resources to an overview of constructing successful search strategies. The reference librarians encourage you to integrate library instruction into your classes. We are happy to work with you to design instruction that will meet the specific needs of your class.
Instruction Policies: Research instruction classes will be conducted during scheduled class periods, unless otherwise negotiated with instruction librarians. Please allow at least 14 days to schedule a class.
To schedule a research instruction class, please use our Library Instruction Request Form below.
Faculty must attend class with their students. By attending, faculty members reinforce the importance of library instruction, and can make connections to larger course goals and themes. Instruction classes are most effective when tied to a particular assignment or project. This increases the class’s relevance and students' retention of the concepts presented.
If you have any questions please contact Matthew Van Sleet, Reference Librarian/Research Instruction Coordinator ( You may also contact your departmental library liaison.