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Consumers & Market Segments Research Guide

This Bentley Library research guide was created to provide a starting point for researching consumers and market segments.

About Mosaic® USA Consumer Segmentation

DemographicsNow, provider of Mosaic USA, is being retired by the vendor. Access will end on Friday, March 28, 2025. Please plan to complete any research or download any necessary reports before that date.


Mosaic® USA is a segmentation system developed by Experian that classifies U.S. households into 71 unique types and 19 overarching groups that share similar demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

Mosaic® USA profiles provide information about the sociodemographics, lifestyles, behaviors, and culture of consumers within each of the 19 groups and 71 segments. Affluence and life stage, combined with property characteristics, socio-economics, ethnicity, additional financial measures, and the type of geographic location (e.g. urban or rural) are key components of the Mosaic classifications.

Access Mosaic® USA Profiles

Find Mosaic® USA profile descriptions in the DemographicsNow database:

  1. go to DemographicsNow (link above)
  2. Click on the menu icon in the top right corner 
  3. Click HELP
  4. Scroll down to view [Mosaic USA Details]:
    • You will see links to the 19 Mosaic® USA group profiles and the 71 Mosaic® USA segment descriptions.
    • You can also look at the Grand Index - a statistical report that ranks and indexes more than 600 demographic, psychographic and lifestyle characteristics for each Mosaic group/type.

Important Mosaic® USA Documentation:

  • Mosaic® USA: About Mosaic
    • see page 4 for the Mosaic® USA Family Tree. The family tree illustrates the major demographic and lifestyle polarities between the groups and types, and shows how the Mosaic types relate to each other. 
    • see pages 5 & 6 for the group and type structure
  • Mosaic® USA Icon Definitions
    • This guide explains the icons used in the reports (e.g. technology adoption, channel preference)
  • Mosaic® USA Product Guide
    • See pages 7-8 for some basic guidelines for interpreting the Grand Index.

Additional Help

Watch this video to learn more about using DemographicsNow: