The following databases cover a wide range of disciplines and publications that cover topics related to food and agriculture including ethics, science, food policy, social impacts, health impacts, environmental impact of growing food, and more.
The USDA National Agricultural Library (NAL) contains AGRICOLA, PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections. Free resource.
JSTOR provides full-text PDF access to scholarly journals in Arts and Sciences and Business. The database is searchable by keyword, item type, publication title, and language, and browsable by discipline and journal issue. Each journal has an individual "moving wall" date of available content; the date range is 0-5 years previous to the current year, depending on the journal.
ProQuest Central is the largest multidisciplinary database with over 11,000 titles, with over 8,000 titles in full-text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets. Over 160 subjects areas are covered extensively in this product including business and economics, health and medical, news and world affairs, technology, social sciences and more. Coverage is from 1905-present.