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GLS228: Science, Technology, and Society

This research guide has been designed to assist students in GLS228: Science, Technology, & Society with Professor Eijmberts in the Fall 2024 semester.

Special Online Access to, The Economist, Financial Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal

The Bentley Library is pleased to offer special subscriptions to the online versions of, The Economist, Financial Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Current Bentley students can sign up for special accounts (lasting for one year) to access articles and other content available right on the paper's website. 

Once you create your account using your Bentley email address, you can take your access with you on the go using mobile apps and sign up for news alerts.

Looking for Specific Newspapers or Magazines

While you can do a Google Search to find the websites of specific publications, you may come across embargoes or have limited access to that publication's content.

Use the Journal Search to find out if we have access to that publication either in print or online, which database has that particular publication if available electronically, and dates of coverage. Search by the title of the publication.

Note: Print Current Periodicals are not available for check out and must be read in the library. 

Suggested News Databases