541211 is the NAICS Code for Offices of Certified Public Accountants. Visit the Economic Census page to view the description and to view other NAICS codes of interest. What is a NAICS Code?
8721 is the SIC Code for Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services. Visit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration page to view the description and to view other SIC Codes of interest. What is a SIC Code?
Below are recommended library resources for retrieving industry surveys and market research reports for accounting. Try the first two: IBIS & MarketLine. Additional databases are listed on the Industry & Market Research Guide.
The below databases allow you to search by SIC or NAICS Codes and/or using combinations of keywords such as: "Accounting Firms", "Public Accounting Firms", "CPA Firms", "Accounting Industry", Accountants and/or Auditors. Suggest also looking for the names of specific trade associations or specific accounting firms.