With over 170,000 books & 9,000 DVDs & Videos in the Bentley University Library's Collection, the Library Catalog is a great place to find resources for your topic. Search tips are available to help you formulate a more relevant search query. You can also look in the bibliographies of books you find to identify other sources of information you may want to explore.
The Library also subscribes to an e-book collection called Books 24 x 7 which includes titles of interest to students studying business statistics, game theory, actuarial topics, and other areas in math.
Some books may be available to you online. The below resources are all freely available online with the exception of Books 24x7 and netLibrary, two library databases available only to current Bentley University students, faculty, and staff. Check the following resources for books on your topic:
WorldCat.org lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. Use WorldCat to look beyond Bentley Library's collections. Books and articles not available through Bentley Library can be obtained through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) , a service free of charge to all current Bentley students, faculty, and staff. Use the online ILLiad system to place an ILL request.
Search Tips:
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