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AC215 Library Research Guide

Finding a NAICS Code

Finding a NAICS Code (Watch Time: 2 minutes 50 seconds)

In this tutorial, we'll discuss how industries are classified using NAICS codes and how to locate a company’s industry code.

Finding a NAICS Code or other Industry Codes

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used to classify businesses and other establishments into specific industries for the purposes of collecting and analyzing data. Each industry is assigned a specific numerical code. 

To find your company's assigned NAICS code (or codes), begin by looking at a company profile in library databases such as:

To find NAICS codes in Mergent Intellect:

  • Click the link for Mergent Intellect above, or:
  • Start at the Library's Databases A-Z page and find the link for Mergent Intellect.
  • Search by company name.
  • Select correct entry in search results.
  • Click on Industry Details in the top menu bar of the company page to see a listing of primary and secondary NAICS codes associated with that company.

For further information on NAICS and other industry codes see: 

Prior to NAICS codes, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes were used to classify businesses into industries. Though SIC was retired in 1997, some search tools may still use these codes when reporting on industries. You can also find these codes when looking at company profiles.

Visit this website to see various SIC codes:

We also have a research guide dedicated to discussing different industry classification codes where you can find more information:

NAPCS is a classification system used by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to classify products produced by industries in those countries.

Finding Industry Information

Finding Industry Information (Watch Time: 2 minutes 49 seconds)

In this tutorial we'll examine how to find information about a specific industry using library resources.

Industry Reports and Profiles

Industry reports and other profiles can give you an idea of the industry your company operates in. These reports survey the entire industry and can provide information related to who the major players in an industry are, products and markets, industry outlooks, and more.

Best bet databases to begin searching for industry information are:

Other databases that include industry information are: