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GR603-AL1: Leading Responsibly (Barber)

About Finding Laws & Regulations

Below are some starting points to conducting research using government and legal related sources.  However, your specific project may not require consulting government publications, laws, and regulations. 

Federal US Law & Policy Resources

Government Publications can keep you up to date regarding the laws and policies in effect and in development in the United States.

Regulations related to a specific area may be more easily located on the websites of government agencies (i.e. Food & Drug Administration, Health & Human Services, etc.).

U.S. State & Local Government Information and Resources

Researching state and local governments often starts by looking at official websites. The amount of information and data available online will vary. Think creatively in order to determine where to best find pieces of information. For example, you may look for information from:

  • Governors
  • State Legislatures
  • State Court Systems
  • Counties
  • Town Councils, Mayors, or City Managers
  • State and Local Departments (i.e. Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Transportation, etc.)

You may also want to check non-governmental sources that can provide information or references to sources of information including:

  • Local news sources
  • Local colleges & universities
  • Historical societies and archives

Legal Research

The following are two library databases for legal research that contain information related to laws, court cases, and more.

International Law & Policy Resources

Finding international law or policy resources may prove challenging, especially if the documents are written in another language. The following website from the Library of Congress offers a good starting point for law research from countries around the world. You can find the country or countries you are interested in to find some ideas of where to start.

Another way to begin would be to find the official website of the country and then finding the agencies or ministries who would be in charge of the area related to your topic to find any online resources.

Online Resources