The following search terms can be used to begin to locate books, articles, and other types of sources within library research tools and beyond. You may find additional terms from your assignments, course readings, and during your research -- try out different combinations of terms to see what you find!
Search Term Brainstorming
Note: Living Wage and Minimum Wage are often discussed in relation to each other, but are not interchangeable terms.
First created in 2004 by Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier, the Living Wage Calculator allows you to see at the state, county, and/or metropolitan level reports that cover the following topics:
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Viewpoint provides political and economic analysis, forecasts, and data. Our subscription includes global and regional coverage as well as country analysis for 50 countries. Special curated themes allow users to browse the latest EIU coverage on those topics. An archive of past EIU reports (beginning with reports published in 1996) is also available.
Statista is a portal for quantitative data, statistics and related information. Use the search box to find information of interest, or choose from dropdowns providing access to information about industries, digital markets, consumer markets, and topics such as media, business, and society. Statistics, charts and/or graphs may be downloaded in the following formats: Excel, PNG Graphics, PowerPoint and PDF.
World Development Indicators is a compilation of internationally comparable statistical metrics related to global development and the fight against poverty. The database contains time series indicators for more than 200 countries and over 40 country groups. Data for many indicators spans more than 50 years.
Produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Free resource.
Statista provides various consumer and market data, statistics, and more. While results from Statista can appear in Google results, use the link below to access Statista via the Bentley Library subscription and hopefully avoid a paywall.
Search by keyword to locate various graphs from a variety of sources.
Search Tip: Statista will note the source of any chart or graph on their platform (i.e. if it's from a particular organization, report, etc.). This can be a great way to locate who might be collecting data on your topic! While some data might be behind a paywall, try visiting the organization's website to see if there are additional resources or publications that might be useful for your research.
Statista is a portal for quantitative data, statistics and related information. Use the search box to find information of interest, or choose from dropdowns providing access to information about industries, digital markets, consumer markets, and topics such as media, business, and society. Statistics, charts and/or graphs may be downloaded in the following formats: Excel, PNG Graphics, PowerPoint and PDF.