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AC115 Library Research Guide

What is a 10-K?

Form 10-K, submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is a required annual report that provides information looking back at a publicly-traded company's previous year. The Form 10-K will provide information on the company's business including important events as well as financial data.

To learn more about a 10-K, see the explanation from the SEC below.

Finding a Company's 10-K

Finding a Company's 10-K (Watch Time: 2 minutes 25 seconds)

This tutorial will focus on “How to Find a Form 10-K”. We will cover how to locate a Form 10-K in both freely available sources on the web as well as Bentley Library databases.


10-K Research Databases

You can find a Form 10-K on your company's website - look for an Investor Relations section. 

Form 10-Ks and other SEC filings can also be found in the following locations:

How to Read a 10-K