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MG116: Human Dynamics in Organizations

Learn about how to begin research in management and organizational behavior in order to help with assignments in MG116: Human Dynamics in Organizations.

Personality, Values, & Strengths

Recommended Search Terms

The following search terms can be used to begin to locate books, articles, and other types of sources within library research tools and beyond. These terms may be related to theories important to the field, notable authors and contributors, or major concepts that can be explored.

  • Individual differences
  • Personality
  • Big Five
  • Extroversion
  • Introversion
  • Neuroticism
  • Openness to experience
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Core self-evaluations, needs, need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power, need for competence
  • Workplace emotions
  • Affective Event Theory
  • Cognitive Appraisal Theory
  • Theory of Purposeful Work Behavior
  • Discrete Emotions
  • Trait Emotions
  • State Emotions
  • Personality and occupation
  • Employees -- psychology
  • Industrial psychology

Background Information Sources & Overviews

The following readings have been chosen by MG116 faculty to reflect important works on the theme, current trends, or to demonstrate the scope of research related to the topic in addition to readings assigned for class. All of these sources are available through the Bentley Library or can be found on the open web.

  • Brooks, D. (2015, April 11). The moral bucket list. The New York Times.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1999). Managing oneself. Harvard Business Review, 77(2), 64–74.
  • Kuijpers, E., Hofmans, J., & Wille, B. (2022). Stop telling introverts to act like extroverts. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles.
  • Telford, Taylor. (2022, October 15). Politics are becoming tougher to avoid at work, survey finds. The Washington Post (Online).

Job Attitudes

Recommended Search Terms

The following search terms can be used to begin to locate books, articles, and other types of sources within library research tools and beyond. These terms may be related to theories important to the field, notable authors and contributors, or major concepts that can be explored.

  • employee engagement
  • organizational commitment
  • affective commitment
  • normative commitment
  • continuous commitment
  • job satisfaction
  • job dissatisfaction
  • quiet quitting
  • withdrawal
  • withdrawal behavior
  • organizational citizenship behavior
  • counterproductive work behavior
  • proactivity
  • proactive behavior
  • voice
  • Employees -- attitudes
  • Job satisfaction

The following readings have been chosen by MG116 faculty to reflect important works on the theme, current trends, or to demonstrate the scope of research related to the topic in addition to readings assigned for class. All of these sources are available through the Bentley Library or can be found on the open web.

  • Christian, A. (2022, August 29). Why ‘quiet quitting’ is nothing new. BBC Worklife.
  • Colquitt, J. A., Conlon, D. E., Wesson, M. J., Porter, C. O., & Ng, K. Y. (2001). Justice at the millennium: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 425-445.
  • Crain, T. L., & Stevens, S. C. (2018). Family‐supportive supervisor behaviors: A review and recommendations for research and practice. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(7), 869-888.
  • Fairchild, C. (2013, April 29). More money always leads to more happiness: Study. The Huffington Post.
  • Judge, T. A., Heller, D., & Mount, M. K. (2002). Five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 530-541.
  • Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., & Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: A meta-analytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854-1884.
  • Short, K. (2014, July 17). Here is the income level at which money won't make you any happier in each state. The Huffington Post.
  • Tett, R. P., & Meyer, J. P. (1993). Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and turnover: Path analyses based on meta‐analytic findings. Personnel Psychology, 46(2), 259-293.
  • Viswesvaran, C., & Ones, D. S. (2002). Examining the construct of organizational justice: A meta-analytic evaluation of relations with work attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 38(3), 193-203.


Recommended Search Terms

The following search terms can be used to begin to locate books, articles, and other types of sources within library research tools and beyond. These terms may be related to theories important to the field, notable authors and contributors, or major concepts that can be explored.

  • Victor H. Vroom
  • Expectancy Theory
  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Extrinsic Motivation
  • MgGregor Theory X and Theory Y
  • McLelland’s Needs Theory
  • Adam’s Equity Theory
  • Goal Setting Theory
  • Daniel Pink
  • Herzberg Two-Factor Theory
  • Social Exchange Theory
  • Full Engagement Theory
  • SMART goals
  • Motivation
  • Work Motivation
  • Employee Motivation

Background Information Sources & Overviews