A Form 10-K, submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Comission (SEC), is a required annual report that provides information looking back at a publicly-traded company's previous year. The Form 10-K will provide information on the company's business including important events as well as financial data.
You can find a Form 10-K on your company's website - look for an Investor Relations section.
Form 10-Ks and other SEC filings can also be found in the following locations:
The EDGAR database, maintained by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, enables users to search for public company financials and operations filings required by law. Users may also search for information provided by mutual funds (including money market funds), exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and variable annuities. Free resource.
For more information on 10-Ks and other company filings visit:
Company information can be found in a variety of sources. Your company's website will offer a lot of information that you will find helpful as you complete your assignment. The following collection of resources include various company profiles, financial information, stock information, and more that can also inform your understanding of your company:
Value Line Research Center includes online access to Value Line's full-page and summary data reports covering stocks, mutual funds, options, convertible securities, and proprietary special situation stocks. The database also includes stock quotes (delayed 15 minutes), company and industry news and graphs, market updates, portfolio tracking with alerts, real-time Value Line Analyst Supplements, and investment education. Simultaneous access is limited to six users.