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Management Research

This guide is designed to help you get started doing management research using Library resources and services

About Company Research

If you are researching a company, it's important to keep in mind that the amount of information available on a company can vary - for some companies, there might be a lot of information available while for others very little is available, particularly in relation to its inner workings and operations.

In general, one important thing to keep in mind when selecting a company to research or use as a case is whether the company is public or private. Public companies, whose shares are traded on stock exchanges, are required to disclose information for investors so you will likely be able to find more information on public companies compared to private companies. Private companies do not have the same disclosure requirements, so it's possible depending on the company information may be harder to find.

The resources included on this page provide advice and suggested resources on how to begin researching a company. 

More in-depth search help and search tips can be found on the following research guides:

Company Websites: Tips for Searching

Most company web sites are structured to provide key pieces of valuable information. Check for:

  1. ABOUT US: Company history; corporation overview, fact sheets; FAQs
  2. MEDIA, PRESS ROOM, or PUBLIC RELATIONS: Current news and press releases can provide the most up-to-date information about what's happening with the company and its products.
  3. INVESTORS: Annual reports, financials, corporate governance information [Note: Financial information will only be available if it is a public company.]
  4. ENVIRONMENT/SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Some companies will include information about their social responsibility initiatives.
  5. CAREERS: Sometimes this section will contain information about a company's values or mission in addition to information about benefits packages, job postings, and more related to employees.
  6. PRODUCTS: Browse the web site to learn more about the company's products.  Check the retail price.  What products or services are they highlighting? What do you notice about how the product or service is presented or promoted?

Annual Reports, Form 10-Ks and Other Company Filings

Form 10-K, submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Comission (SEC), is a required annual report that provides information looking back at a publicly-traded company's previous year. The Form 10-K will provide information on the company's business including important events as well as financial data. 

You can find a Form 10-K on your company's website - look for an Investor Relations section. 

Form 10-Ks and other SEC filings can also be found in the following locations:

For more information on 10-Ks and other company filings visit:

Company Profiles: Best Sources for Comprehensive Information

These are the best library resources for retrieving a company profile and comprehensive company information.

  • Search Tip: Type a company name or ticker symbol into the search box and choose a company from the list of suggestions to retrieve a company profile. The profile may include financial information, SWOT report, company chronology, market share information, rankings, industry reports, articles about the company/industry, and more.
  • Search Tip: On the landing page, start by clicking on [Companies], in the top navigation bar. Search for a company by name. After you've performed a search, look for the [Local Company Profile] or [Global Company Profile] report. (Not all companies will have a company profile)
  • Search Tip: On the landing page, click on the [Find a Company] tile (underneath the search box). Search using the company's name or ticker symbol.
  • Search Tip: Click on [Company Profiles] on the right side of the page. Enter the company name in the search box and click [Browse]. Locate your company in the list and click on [MarketLine Report]. Reports contain a SWOT analysis (for most public companies).
  • Search Tip: Search for a company, then explore these pages:
    • Use the [Government Filings] page to search for SEC filings
    • The [Company Details] page consists of ten sub-pages, detailing various aspects of the company. Information includes a business summary, company history, list of properties owned by the company, subsidiaries (including percentage owned and geographic location), business segments (the business and geographic revenue analyses for major segments of the company’s business operations), financials, long-term debt, capital stock and earnings estimates.
    • The [Company Financials] page includes financial details from the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and retained earnings statements. Also includes profitability, liquidity, debt management, asset management, and per share ratios 
    • Use the [Investext] page to access investment research reports written by analysts at leading investment banks, brokerage houses, and consulting firms.
    • The [Report Builder] page allows you to create custom reports, including company-industry comparison reports.
  • Search Tip: Search using the company's name or ticker symbol ro retrieve a company profile. Then, use the links on the left side of your screen to explore related information, such as equity research (stock reports), investment research, financials, news, etc.