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Honors Capstone Project - Bravo

This guide is for Professor Mike Bravo's HNR440 & HNR445 Honors Capstone Project class held in Spring 2025 .

Library Assignment

  1. Identify a non-profit organization that assists foster care youth (aged 18-21) as they age out of the foster care system.
    • Name:
    • Mission:
    • Location and geography served:
  2. How did you find this organization? Describe your search process.
  3. How does the organization support foster youth who are aging out of the foster care system? 
  4. Describe the positive impacts this organization is providing for foster youth aging out (include details or metrics, if available).
  5. What additional information do you need to know about this organization that would help you determine how successful it is? How will you search for this information?

Due Monday, February 3

  1. Presentation: Each student presents their finding in a 5- to 10-minute presentation with 3 to 5 slides. Cite sources in APA Style. Provide in-text citations on your slides as needed and a References List on the final slide.  
  2.  1-page write up: Cite sources in APA Style. Provide in-text citations as needed and a References List.