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Library Assignment
- Identify a non-profit organization that assists foster care youth (aged 18-21) as they age out of the foster care system.
- Name:
- Mission:
- Location and geography served:
- How did you find this organization? Describe your search process.
- How does the organization support foster youth who are aging out of the foster care system?
- Describe the positive impacts this organization is providing for foster youth aging out (include details or metrics, if available).
- What additional information do you need to know about this organization that would help you determine how successful it is? How will you search for this information?
Due Monday, February 3
- Presentation: Each student presents their finding in a 5- to 10-minute presentation with 3 to 5 slides. Cite sources in APA Style. Provide in-text citations on your slides as needed and a References List on the final slide.
- 1-page write up: Cite sources in APA Style. Provide in-text citations as needed and a References List.