Hint: in the search box enter "coffee" to find inforamtion on consumers of coffee and coffee shops. A good report to begin with would be the one titled Foodservice Coffee and Tea - US - 2023.
Experian's Mosaic USA allows users to develop a deeper understanding of which customers to target. When combined with ReferenceUSA's demographic data user of Mosaic USA are able to indentify locations with the United States, from the state level down to zip codes and Census tracts, where potential customers my live, work, or travel.
Statista is a portal for quantitative data, statistics and related information. Use the search box to find information of interest, or choose from dropdowns providing access to information about industries, digital markets, consumer markets, and topics such as media, business, and society. Statistics, charts and/or graphs may be downloaded in the following formats: Excel, PNG Graphics, PowerPoint and PDF.