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Bentley Library Racial Justice Initiative

In Pursuit of Racial Justice through Learning and Understanding

Understand White Privilege

Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College, is the 2017 Mimi and Peter E. Haas Distinguished Visitor at the Haas Center for Public Service at Stanford University.

Wellesley, M. A. (1988). White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to see Correspondences through Work in Women’s Studies

This paper, written by Peggy McIntosh, is the predecessor to the article, White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. The paper discusses the causes and manifestations of white privilege.

Collins, Cory (2018). What is White Privilege, Really? Recognizing white privilege begins with truly understanding the term itself

In his article, Collins states that white privilege is getting to choose when and where you want to take a stand. It’s knowing that you and your humanity are safe.

Phillips, Hoyt (2016). Bursting the White Privilege Bubble

This is an essay about one teacher’s journey to dismantling his understanding of his own white privilege and how it has shaped his life.

Kendall, Francis E. (2002). Understanding White Privilege

Kendall states that one of the primary privileges [of being white] is that of having greater access to power and resources than people of color do; in other words, purely on the basis of our skin color doors are open to us that are not open to other people.

Pizaña, Dionardo (2003). Authenticity in a Community Setting: A Tool for Self Reflection and Change

Here is a toolkit for self reflection to develop an understanding of how we operate within relationships across differences.


Learn How to be an Ally

Created by chescaleigh (2014). 5 Tips For Being An Ally


Carson, Erin (2020). In the fight for racial justice, here's what white allyship looks like

At a time when many are looking to do more than just post to social media, here's what the experts have to say about meaningful allyship.

Morrison, Melanie S. (2013). Becoming Trustworthy White Allies. Reflections.

Melanie Morrison, an ordained minister, reflects on how to become trustworthy white allies; people who are passionately committed to eliminating systems of oppression that unjustly benefit white people.

Kendall, Frances E. (2003). How to Be an Advocate If You Are a Person with Privilege. Safe Zone Advocates, UCF Counseling and Psychological Services.

This essay defines what it means to be a white ally and outlines ways to work for social justice.

Dismantle Collective. White Allyship 101: Resources to Get to Work

White supremacy and racism are serious problems in our society that affect us all. In addition to providing a space for conversation, The Dismantle Collective desires to be a starting point for white allies to do the work and engage in analysis, education, and action on anti-racism.

Created by Barnard Center for Research on Women and members of Project NIA (2017).