Below is a collection of some starting places to look for data and statistics related to democracy and politics in the United States. It includes both library subscribed research databases as well as freely available websites.
Here are some additional ideas of places that you can look to find data:
As with any source of information, whether it be a book, article, or other item, it is always important to evaluate the source - check where your data was sourced and any methodologies provided.
Contact a librarian for assistance in locating other potential data sources.
Statista is a portal for quantitative data, statistics and related information. Use the search box to find information of interest, or choose from dropdowns providing access to information about industries, digital markets, consumer markets, and topics such as media, business, and society. Statistics, charts and/or graphs may be downloaded in the following formats: Excel, PNG Graphics, PowerPoint and PDF.
Compiled by the U.S. Census, International Statistical Agencies provides links to the official statistical agencies for countries of the world (note: some sites may not provide content in English). Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the full list of countries. Free resource.