Would I be able to digitize and stream a DVD I own in Blackboard for my students to view?
Is it legal to make a copy of a film I rented or borrowed from another library in order to use it again later?
Queuing and changing DVDs to show short sections can be awkward in class. May I edit together portions of videos?
May an auditorium or other large space be used to show a film labeled "Home Use Only" to a class or several sections of a course?
How does the "face-to-face" instruction requirement affect the practice of placing films on reserve and assigning them to students?
This film/video is out of print and deteriorating rapidly, may we make a copy?
Would I be able to digitize and stream an audio CD or cassette I own in Blackboard for my students to listen to?
May I play in my class a musical piece that I own on a CD, cassette or file?
May I make a copy of an audio CD or cassette to place on reserve instead of using my personal copy?
Queuing and changing CDs or audio files to play short sections can be awkward in class. May I edit together portions of audio recordings?
May an auditorium or other large space be used to play a piece of music to a class or several sections of a course?
How does the "face-to-face" instruction requirement affect the practice of placing CD’s on reserve and assigning them to students?