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Undergraduate Research

This research guide has been created to assist undergraduate students with Honors Pathway or other research projects. This guide offers resources to help from selecting a topic through putting on the finishing touches.

Research Design & Methodology Resources

As part of your Honors pathway or other research project, you may be conducting original research and will need to design your research study.

Bentley University Institutional Review Board

Depending on the type of methodology you choose to conduct your primary research, you may need to have your project reviewed and approved by Bentley's Institutional Review Board (commonly shortened to IRB) if it involves human subjects. Surveys and focus groups are just some of the methodologies that may require submitting your documentation to the IRB before you conduct your research. Consult with your advisor if your project will need IRB approval before proceeding. For more information about the IRB process, including answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, visit the IRB's website:

Research Design Guides

The following are some resources that offer descriptions and suggestions for research methods in various disciplines. For specific ideas related to your research, consult with your advisor.