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Healthy aging

Bones, Joints and Muscles - With age, bones tend to shrink in size and density and muscles generally lose strength, endurance and flexibility.

Digestive Health - Aging causes modest decline in the function of the esophagus, stomach, colon, pancreas and liver.  Older adults are more likely to have digestive tract disorders.

Bladder and Urinary Health - The bladder may become less elastic as you age, resulting in the need to urinate more often. 

Memory - Your brain undergoes changes as you age that may have minor effects on your memory or thinking skills. 

Eyes and Ears - With age, you might have difficulty focusing on objects that are close up. Your hearing also might diminish. 

Teeth - Older adults are more at risk for dry mouth. This can occur because of age, medicine use, or certain health conditions.

Skin - With age, your skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile, and fatty tissue just below the skin decreases.

Weight - How your body burns calories (metabolism) slows down as you age.

Mayo Clinic. (2021, Sep 25). Healthy Aging: Aging: What to Expect.

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