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HI 350.2 - Serfs, Slaves and Sojourners: The Minority Experience in America (Dickson) - Spring 2020

About Statistics & Datasets

Depending on your research topic and design, you may need to use datasets or statistics. There are many sources for datasets and statistics. Below are just a sampling of where this information may be found online.  Most are freely available except where otherwise noted and some are Bentley Library databases. Some sources below include both statistic and data resources. 

Also, keep in mind that many data set sources do not have citation generators that can accurately cite a data set. Consult the style guide for whatever citation style you are using (APA, MLA, etc.) for an example of how to cite a data set to know what information you will need to construct your citation.

You can also consult the following research guide:

Statistics Sources

Dataset Sources